Thursday, August 13, 2009

Benis Reports: The Great Queso Debate

Installment One: Chapultepec


Let us begin by saying that queso is an important aspect of our lives. Regardless of true quality and actual cheese content, you can't beat it. It has been said that queso is the crack of the cheese world. As Houston is home to many, many Mexican restaurants, the quest to find the best is nearly inexhaustable. So we decided to exhaust ourselves. As queso enthusiasts, we decided to lay down some criteria on which to base our judgement. The main concerns we are keeping in mind are viscocity, chunk-to-cheese ratio, and drip rate. In part one of The Great Queso Debate, we head to Chapultepec, mecca of late-night over-indulgence (one time, Reese Lopez puked in a fake potted plant there). Here are our findings:

Viscosity: Medium
Seemingly thinner than usual, but still thick enough to manage. Laura reports a past experience wherein she suspected it to be more diluted as the night went on. It should be noted that taste is in no way affected by this inconsistency.


Chunk-to-Cheese Ratio: Minimal Chunks
I, Katie, hate tomatoes. I was not offended by the lack of this most common found chunk. Laura doesn't hate tomatoes, but was fine with the omission nonetheless.

Drip Rate: High
This may be caused by the voracity with which we were crammin' it in (like wolves on a hot dog). The sole casualty: Katie's jeans.


In conclusion, excellent. But in all truth, Chapultepec has always served to set our standards.


  1. I actually prefer a fairly drippy/ thin queso myself. Looks delish! And I love the sassy flower clip in your hair, Katie. Sassy senorita!
